Family Devotions

Help Me Overcome My Unbelief! – September 20, 2024

Some things are hard to believe....

The Right Equipment for the Job – September 18, 2024

What kind of items do you need to have a tea party?....

The Lord Has No Rival – September 16, 2024

A rivalry is an ongoing competition between two people or groups....

A Hidden Power – September 13, 2024

How does God use power in your life?...

What Power Do You Want? – September 11, 2024

If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you have?...

Opening Eyes, Ears, and Mouths – September 9, 2024

God promises to do more than just open eyes, ears, and mouths....

Washing Hands – September 6, 2024

"Wash your hands" is a common phrase to hear before you eat....

Jesus is Like a Stone – September 4, 2024

There are many things that can be both good and bad...

What Can I Do? – September 2, 2024

God gave the nation of Israel many laws in the Old Testament....

Are You Going to Leave, Too? – August 30, 2024

Christian Church in the United States is shrinking....

Know Your Values – August 28, 2024

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything....

Choose Wisely – August 26, 2024

Given a choice between pizza or a burger and fries, which would you choose....

Be Hungry for the Right Bread – August 23, 2024

How do you know that you are hungry? ....

Math That Doesn’t Make Sense – August 21, 2024

See if you can figure out this simple math problem....